Atrial natriuretic factor gene expression in ventricles of rats with spontaneous biventricular hypertrophy.


A subset of Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats that spontaneously develops biventricular hypertrophy (BVH) in response to increased cardiac output was evaluated for ventricular expression of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) gene. Normal WKY rats had low levels of left ventricular ANF mRNA and minimally detectable ANF transcripts in the right ventricle. In contrast, BVH rats showed a sixfold greater ANF mRNA concentration in the left ventricle than age-matched WKY controls. BVH right ventricular ANF mRNA levels equaled those found in BVH left ventricles and were dramatically greater than WKY right ventricular controls. Unlike experimental models of hypertrophy, both left and right ventricles significantly increase ANF gene transcripts in the natural development of BVH. The left and right ventricles can concordantly respond to hypertrophy and increase ANF gene transcription.

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