Atomistic simulations of supercooled gallium / Simulações atomisticas do galio super-resfriado




Recently, the existence of a liquid-liquid transition in pure substances has been proposed as an explanation of anomalous behaviors such as the increase of response functions (isothermal compressibility, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific heat) with decreasing temperature displayed by some liquids. The existence of this type of transition has been demonstrated experimentally for phosphorous by X-ray diÿraction, and through atomistic simulations for water, silicon and carbon. The detailed understanding of this type of transition is closely related to the fundamental question of which physical factors control the properties of a liquid. Therefore, the study of this phenomenon is of great importance for the development of new technologies, the synthesis of new materials and the control of their properties. In this work, we carry out a series of atomistic simulations of a system containing 1152 Gallium atoms described by a semi-empirical Modified Embedded-Atom Model subject to periodic boundary conditions. By means of these simulations we search for a liquid-liquid transition in Gallium by means of a process of elimination of three theories. Initially we show that the limit of metastability of the superheated liquid has a decreasing monotonous behavior in the pressure-temperature phase diagram. Subsequently, our system presents hysteresis, a discontinuity in volume, two phases that have different local atomic structures and display diffusion, and a latent heat, all characteristic of a first-order phase transition. For all these reasons we conclude that the simulated system presents a liquid-liquid phase transition of first-order in the supercooled regime. In addition, we carried out several simulations of isothermal compressions and expansions for different temperatures. These results also show hysteresis although it is found to decrease with increasing temperature, thus indicating the possible existence of a second critical point at which the liquid-liquid transition ends. We finish our studies with the discovery and characterization of a crystalline phase of Gallium whose structure has not been observed experimentally. This phase was obtained by chance during the study of the existence of a liquid-liquid transition in Gallium under tension of -1.6GPa. Its structure is of the orthorhombic type with Cmcm symmetry (space group 63). Its main difference with respect to the Gallium-I phase is that in the new phase the Gallium dimers are disposed in a parallel fashion. Subsequent DFT simulations show that this new phase is metastable at zero pressure and predict it to become stable with respect to Gallium-I arrives at negative pressures below ~1.5GPa


galio atomistic simulations transição liquido-liquido first-order phase transition liquidos super-resfriados galium simulações atomisticas supercooled liquid liquid-liquid transition transições de fase de primeira ordem

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