Atividade fisica e saude : estudo do conhecimento de professores de educação fisica do ensino fundamental atraves da educação a distancia




The present work has as objective to analyse and discuss the knowledge of teachers of Physical Education of the fundamental teaching of the State of São Paulo in reIation to the theme "Physical Activity and Health whose are registered in the Course of Distance Education in Physical Exercise and Health offered by the Nucleus of Education the Distance in Physical Exercise and Health ? NEDEFS/FEF/UNICAMP, which carries out educational activities in rural, municipal, state schools, matters and formation entities, embracing a total of 32 municipal districts and reaching 90 teachers of these schools. This work longs for to reach also the students as well, that should be aware of the importance of the knowledge and of the practice of daily physical activity, as primordial factor in the promotion of the health, of leisure and physical and mental well being, trying to emphasise the subject of DCNT s (Chronic Diseases Not Transmissible), responsible for thousands of internments and death in the country and in the world and that Ioads the public coffers in million. Therefore the degenerative chronic diseases and the risk factors, I think that we should see the Physical Education in Primary School and its applied - contents and given now in the schools, pointing out that this should contribute in this discussion proposal and understanding during the profile in the theoretical and practical classes, because certainly, it is not simple to liberate the material (balls), so that the students can play " soccer, volleyball, basketball, or "to play" that these students will take conscience of the importance of this practice inside and outside of the school atmosphere. But, certainly it will be offering to them opportunities of knowledge of themes as inactivity, diabetes, arterial pressure, stress, that are the risk factors, also exposing to the students a larger understanding of how, when, where and because they should participate in the Physical Education classes, and still, becoming aware about the continuity of these practices of the school atmosphere, of preference in the clubs, academies, schools, parks, squares, streets, looking for besides to rescue the culture and the originality of the healthy street games


saude physical education fundamental teaching educação fisica physical activity and health teachers professores de educação fisica

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