Atividade de plasmina simile e sequencia parcial de enzima fibrino(geno)litica do veneno de Bothrops lanceolatus (Fer de lance)




The main symptoms following bothropic envenoming are necroses, hemorrhage and coagulopathies, originating a characteristic and complex phisiopathology. The work of Lôbo de Araújo et al. (1998) described a single polipeptide chain protein (PII-1A) purified from Bothrops lanceolatus venom, a snake inhabitant of the Martinica island. The immunodiffusion and immunoeletrophoresis analysis showed a single immunoprecipitin line. This protein was characterized as a fibrino(geno)lytic enzyme since was able to hydrolyze the a and b chains of fibrinogen. Using synthetic substrates, the authors demonstrated a strong sterolytic activity against p-TAME. In the present work we continue to study this protein (PII-1A) investigating its activity to activate plasminogen or to present a direct fibrinolytic activity using S-2251ä substrate. The determination of its partial sequence, including N-terminal, was carried through by mass spectrometry - Q-tof that showed molecular weight 28.369 kDa


bothrops snake bites hemorragia fibrinolíticos fibrinolytic agents plasmina plasmin mordeduras de cobra envenenamento

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