Atividade antiulcerogenica da desidrocrotonina e do oleo essencial obtidos a partir das cascas de Croton cajucara Benth, uma planta da familia Euphorbiacear




Croton cajucara Benth. (sacaca) is a plant species growing in the Amazon region which is popularly used to treat disorders of the digestive tract. We investigated the antiulcerogenic activity and the mechanism of action of the major constituents of the bark of the plant, i.e., the essential oil and dehydrocrotonin (OHC, a sesquiterpene lactone present in large amounts in the bark). Using acute ulcer models induced by agents such as ethanol, HCllethanol, pylorus ligature, indomethacin, and stress in rats and mice, we observed that the essential 011 of the plant and OHC significantly reduced the ulcerative lesions in the various models studied. On the basis of these results, we investigated the possible mechanisms of action involved in the antiulcerogenic action of OHC and of the essential oil. OHC did not increase mucus production by glandular cells isolated from the stomach of rats and had no antioxidant activity on mitochondria isolated from the liver of rats. On the other hand, OHC antagonized in a noncompetitive manner the H2 receptors of histamine in the isolated guinea pig atrium and the M1 receptors, in the isolated rat stomach. Furthermore, OHC caused an increased PGE2 production/synthesis by the cells of the gastric mucosa of rats. OHC did not heal preestablished ulcer in rats after 14 days of treatment. The essential oil altered the acidity and volume of gastric juice when administered intraduodenally, demonstrating a systemic action, increased the production of mucus by glandular cells of the rat stomach, and increased PGE2 production/synthesis by cells of the rat gastric mucosa. In addition, the essential oil was able to heal (a 32% cure rate) preestablished ulcers in rats after 14 days of treatment with the same potency as cimetidine. The present results indicate that the popular use of sacaca infusion containing the essential oil to treat gastrointestinal disorders is perfectly justified by the activities of its major constituents


farmacologia croton (botanica)

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