Atividade antioxidante de extratos e compostos isolados de Eugenia umbelliflora e Rapanea ferrugínea / ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF ISOLATED COMPOUNDS AND EXTRACTS OF Eugenia umbelliflora and Rapanea ferruginea


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Eugenia umbeliflora is popularly known as baguaçu, guapê or guaramirim in Portuguese and Brazilian Cherry in English. This species is used in popular medicine to treat diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and diabetes, although there have been few biological studies to verify the effectiveness of these extracts. Rapanea ferruginea is popularly known as capororoca, capororoquinha or canela-azeitona and has no common English name. Studies show anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic and analgesic properties of this species. Due to the small number of studies linking this species to the antioxidant potential, the present work seeks to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the isolated compounds and extracts of E. umbelliflora and R. ferruginea. The antioxidant activity was verified by indirect radical methods such as: ORAC, DPPH, ABTS, measurement of total phenols, and metal chelation test of the fruit, leaves, barks and branch extracts and isolated compounds through different extractors (ethanol, methanol, dichloromethane, chloroform, hexane and ethyl acetate). Cytotoxic activity in L929 cells and cytoprotective activity were also evaluated, when exposed to the AAPH radical and antigenotoxic in plasmid DNA pBSK II, when exposed to the AAPH radical. Based on the ORAC test, the hexane and dichloromethane extracts of the fruit, the chloroformic extracts of the bark and fruit of the R.ferruginea showed antioxidant activity similar to the Trolox positive control. Using the reduction methodology of the DPPH radical, it was possible to observe that the methanol extract of the fruit (88,92%2,37) and leaves (61,83%0,15) of the E. umbelliflora, and the ethanol extracts of the fruit (83,13%5,43) and bark (90,83%1,72) of the R.ferruginea showed higher antioxidant activity higher than the other extracts evaluated. When compared with vitamin C, which was used as standard antioxidant, the same extracts showed CA50 values similar to those of this vitamin. It was also possible to verify that in the abovementioned extracts, the percentage of total phenol was higher than in the other extracts tested. In the evaluation of the cytotoxicity test of this present study, cytotoxicity was evident in L929 cells for the extracts at 100μg/mL; except for R. ferruginea. In the oxidative stress test, it is proposed that there was protection against the formation of reactive oxygen species generated by AAPH, according to the increase in concentration of the samples in all extracts evaluated. The effect of the sample concentration on cleavage protection of the DNA was observed in all the extracts evaluated, although the highest protection was evidenced in the E.umbelliflora fruits (methanol) and in the isolated compound of the R. ferruginea fruits (AMA). Thus, both extracts and isolated compounds of E.umbelliflora and R. ferruginea showed significant antioxidant potential, comparable to that of antioxidants available on the market today, such as vitamin C and Trolox


atividade antioxidante eugenia umbelliflora rapanea ferruginea farmacia extratos vegetais antioxidant activity eugenia umbelliflora rapanea ferruginea

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