Atividade antifúngica de derivados sintéticos do eugenol e timol frente a cepas de Candida spp. E Microsporum canis. / Antifungal activity of synthetic derivatives of eugenol and thymol against strains of Candida spp. And Microsporum canis.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The synthesis of a compound in relation to their pharmacological action is important for organic chemistry and pharmaceutical industry. Derivatives of eugenol and thymol were obtained by acetylation and benzoylation reactions in order to evaluate the antifungal activity against Candida spp. and Microsporum canis strains. These fungal strains were recovered from mycology Specialized Medical Mycology Center CEMM (Federal University of Ceará). Antifungal activity was evaluated by using difusion agar and microdilution broth. Acetyl eugenol, Benzoyl eugenol and Benzoyl thymol (MIC ranging from 4mg ml-1 to 39mg ml-1) showed antifungal properties against strains of Microsporum canis and Benzoyl eugenol (MIC ranging from 156mg ml-1 to 625mg ml-1) against Candida spp. In such a way, due to their effectiveness, the synthesized derivatives constitute important antifungal compounds to be evaluated in vivo tests in and used in the treatment of mycoses in animals.


eugenol timol atividade antifúngica candida spp microsporum canis reproducao animal eugenol thymol antifungal candida microsporum

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