Atividade antibacteriana in vitro da clorexidina gel, hidroxido de calcio e associação de ambos utilizados como medicação intracanal em dentina bovina contaminada com Enterococcus faecalis




Recent improvements in endodontic microbiology haves howedt he close relationship between micoorganism and failure of endodontic therapy.The control of endodontic infection is attempted by the observation of the aseptic techniques through out the endodontic therapy, by cleaning and shaping the root canal,by intracanal medication by hermetic filling of the oot canal system and by definitive coronary sealing. The present study evaluated the antibacterial effectiveness of the 2.0%digluconate chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide separately and combined as intracanal medications in 300 cylindrical bovine root dentine specimens infected with Enterococcus faecalisThe specimens were infected for a period of 7 days.The medicaments to be tested were then applied to their canal lumens and leftt here during several experimental ti mes:0,5, 15,30and60minutes1, ,2 7, 15 and 30 days.Dentinal samples were taken with sequentia sterile round burs at low speed.The dentine chips obtained with each bur were immediately c llected in separate testt ubes containing BHI broth.The tubes were incubated at 37°C for a period of 2days and observedf or daily microbial growth,visualised by the medium turbidity.The purity of the positive cultures was confirmed by colony morphology on the agar plates,Gram staining, catalase production and API Strep 20 identification kit. All tests were done in triplicates and in three different occasions. The results showed that the chlorhexidine gel alone inhibited the growth of the E.faecalisafter 1,2,7 and 15days.The calcium hydroxide was ineffective in all experimental times. The combination of the chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide was effective after 1 and 2 days,howeve rthe antibacterial activity reduced between 7 and15 days. It was concluded that among the tested medicaments, 2.0% digluconate chlorhexidine gel alone was more effective agains E.faecalis but its antibacterial activity depends on how ong it stayed inside of thecanal.


canal radicular - tratamento endodontia microbiologia

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