Atitudes e percepções das elites e da população em geral sobre a política externa brasileira nos anos 90 / Attitude and perceptions of the elites and of the Brazilian population on the foreign policy of Brazil in the 90s




The objective of this thesis is to investigate, in a comparing form, the differences and similarities between the perceptions and orientation of the elite and the mass of Brazilians, regarding the Brazilian foreign policy. For this, it had been analyzed the results of survey " Perceptions of the Elites and of the Brazilian Population on the Foreign Policy", carried through in 1998 and 2001, by the Center of Research in International Relations of the University of São Paulo, moreover, had been used interview with members of the Brazilian elite about FTAA negotiations (NUPRI-USP/ILDES - 2003). The central hypothesis of the work is that the elites and the mass show of similar attitudes regarding the different aspects of the Brazilian international insertion from years 90. However, the results had indicated that it does not happen, in the Brazilian society, a consensus on the results of the globalization. In the Brazilian society there are three attitudes regarding globalization: alienation, affluence and participation confliction. These positions indicate distinct perceptions on the effects of the globalization and that directly influence the Brazilian position in the international system. These perceptions, on the other hand, also influence the elites and the mass positions regarding the options and orientations of the Brazilian foreign politics in the 90´s. The elites and the mass revealed three attitudes: a) the external politics is turned for strict economic interests, b) the external politics is an instrument for the search of the cooperation and the development of the peoples and, c) politics is based on the search for power and prestige in the international system. These positions had shown to associate with a positive vision about the country´s performance in the international system. The strategies of the Brazilian external politics distinguished the strong involvement in international negotiations. This topic is considered one that has strongly mobilized the Brazilian society in years 90, so it is important to analyze the attitudes of the elites and the mass regarding the participation in two negotiating processes: the Mercosur and the FTAA. The biggest divergences between the elites and mass has taken advantage in the related questions the FTAA, as for the Mercosur a strong consensus exists in the interior of the Brazilian society about the results that the integration will be able to bring in terms of economic development, despite the lack of consensus on the impacts until the moment generated by the integration with the countries of the South Cone. In a general way, the results have indicated that the elites and the mass show a coherent attitude and associate the debate inside of the country in years 90.


elite international relations política externa brasileira massa public opinion mass brazilian foreign policy relações internacionais elites opinião pública

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