Atitude e desempenho em matematica, crenças auto-referenciadas e familia : uma path-analysis




It was a descriptive study aimed at evaluate: 1) the influence of parents attitudes and expectancies toward children s academic life in general and performance in mathematics in particular, and 2) the role of personal resources, such as control beliefs, self-concept and self-esteem on students performance and attitudes towards mathematics. The sample was composed by 94 students from 3rd, 5th and 7th grades and their parents, from a private school of Campinas, Brazil. Data collection was performed with aid of observations in classroom, questionnaires and scales, including a Brazilian version of the Control, Agency and Means-Ends Beliefs Interview (Skinner, Chapman &Baltes, 1988). Data were submitted to univariate, multivariate and structural analysis (path ana/ysis). Attitudes and selfbeliefs toward academic achievement and performance in mathematics were predominantly positive, mostly among the youngest. They also showed better performance, in comparison with the oldest students. Girls had more positive self beliefs toward mathematics, but worse self perception about achievement, in despicte of their superior performance, in comparison with boys. There were found statistically significant interactions between parents attitudes and expectancies toward children s academic performance and their self-beliefs and attitudes toward Mathematics. Children s personal resources seem to act as moderator variables, since self-concept and control beliefs showed to have strong effects on affective and cognitive components of attitudes towards mathematics and on achievement in mathematics as well


psicologia do desenvolvimento attitudes psicologia educação matematica variaveis academic performance atitude (psicologia) mathematics path-analysis aprendizagem self-beliefs

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