Atenção pré-natal na rede básica de Fortaleza-CE: uma avaliação da estrutura, do processo e do resultado. / Prenatal care in primary Fortaleza-CE: a review of structure, process and outcome.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to evaluate the prenatal care in the primary Fortaleza-CE in 2010, considering the structure, process and outcome. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Developed between October 2009 and February 2011, 30 health units randomly selected, keeping the ratio of each SER. For structure analysis, the collected data were scored and classified as: excellent, satisfactory, poor and inadequate (Silveira et al., 2001). The data collection instrument was validated by testing the validation of the content being submitted to four experts. In evaluating the process and result, the raw data made available by SMS suffered calculations to obtain the indicators established by the Ministry of Health. The project was approved by the Ethics in Research UECE. The main results were: structure, in general, satisfactory and excellent physical plant, material resources, laboratory support and recording instruments; satisfactory human resources and availability of essential drugs and the poor referral system and counter reference. As for the process and result, we obtained: pregnant women who were the first prenatal visit until the fourth month of pregnancy in relation to the target population (6.1%) pregnant women who were at least six prenatal visits (7, 6%) women who had at least six prenatal and postpartum outpatient (1%) pregnant women who were at least six prenatal visits and all the basic exams (1.8%) pregnant women who received tetanus immunization (22.8%) women who had at least six prenatal visits, consultation with the puerperium, all the basic exams, testing for HIV and tetanus immunization (0.8%) newborns with a diagnosis of syphilis congenital in relation to all newborns in the county (1.4%) newborns with a diagnosis of neonatal tetanus in relation to all newborns in the city (0%), maternal mortality ratio in the city compared to the previous year (78.5% in 2008 and 51% in 2009) and total neonatal mortality rate in the county compared to the previous year (10.1% in 2008 and 11.2% in 2009). We conclude that, despite the good results regarding the structure, the reflections in the process and outcome indicators were not positive, with low rates relative to expected by WHO or MS, or compared to other regions.


pré-natal avaliação de serviços saúde materna saude publica prenatal care service evaluation maternal health

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