Astrojildo Pereira: itinerário de um intelectual engajado / Astrojildo Pereira: journey of a commited intellectual




This thesis conducts a study of the political and intellectual trajectory of Astrojildo Pereira, from the first through the sixth decade of the century in Brazil. On the basis of the authors writings, this work analyzes its adherence to anarchism and the subsequent influences of Marxism and the Russian Revolution have been analyzed in his elaboration and political action. The lines of the conflicting interpretation found in the Brazilian societyare contextualized, having the intellectual production and militant action of Astrojildo as fundamental references. The manner by which such references are particularly expressed in the structures of the sociability experienced by Astrojildo Pereira until the beginning of the second half of the XX century is also analyzed.


intelectuais intellectuals astrojildo pereira partido comunista brasileiro pcb marxismo historia do brasil intelectuais e política anarquismo astrojildo pereira marxism pcb pereira, astrojildo, 1890-1965. anarchism

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