Asteraceae Martinov. em um fragmento florestal, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil: florística e aspectos reprodutivos / Asteraceae Martinov. in a forest fragment, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil: floristic and reproductive aspects




This work consists of the floristic and taxonomic study, as well as reproductive phenology, head morphology, sexual system and floral visitors of species belonging to Asteraceae family in the Center for Research, Training and Environmental Education Mata do Paraíso. Sample collections were carried out biweekly, from September 2004 to September 2005. The collected material was herborized according to usual techniques and included in the VIC herbarium collection of the Plant Biology Department, Federal University of Viçosa. The species were classified using the specialized literature and consultation to the herbarium and specialists. The flowering time (presence of floral buds and open flowers) and fruit set (diaspores in dispersion phase) of the studied species were reported biweekly. The heads were stored in 70% alcohol for morphological analysis. Flowering and head morphology were classified through patterns established in the literature. In total, 62 species from 32 genus and 10 tribes were identified. The most representative genera were Eupatorium with 12 species, Mikania with eight, Baccharis with seven, and Vernonia with six. The genus Bidens is represented in the study area by two species, and the others by only one species. Keys for taxon identification are presented, as well as descriptions, illustrations, commentaries on important characteristics for the identification and geographic distribution. Of 62 studied species, 26 were herbaceous, 17 subshrubs, nine lianas, six shrubs and four trees. Regarding the frequency of occurrence in the studied area, 32.3% species were considered rare, 30.6% abundant, 27.4% common and 9.7% little frequent. Flowering occurred throughout the year, with peaks in September and October, in which 41.9% of the species were flowering. The most frequent pattern was annual flowering, occurring in 85.5% of species. Anemochory was predominant, occurring in 77.8% of the species, zoochory and chyropterochory were little representative, each one occurring in 11.1% of species. The discoid head was predominant, occurring in 72.6% of species, followed by radiated in 19.3% and disciform in 8.1% of the species from Asteraceae. Flower visitors were predominantly butterflies (37.7%), followed by bees (30%), wasps (17.5%), flies (10%) and hummingbirds (5%).


taxonomia taxonomy reprodução asteraceae reproduction asteraceae taxonomia de fanerogamos

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