Associativismo em saude coletiva : um estudo da Associação Brasileira de Pos-Graduação em Saude Coletiva - ABRASCO




The emergence and constitution of the public health field have associated aspects related to the production of knowledge, the formation of human resources, the formulation of health policies, as well as a political strategy of reuniting several different professionals representing different lines of thinking and different practices. This work proposes to analyze the Brazilian Association of Post-Graduation in Collective Health (Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva - ABRASCO), from its creation until the end of the tenure of its last board of directors, in the year 2000. It is believed that this is a peculiar Association, which presents inherent characteristics of the field of which it became a spokesperson: Collective Health. Along its development, it is also believed that ABRASCO lived three distinctive moments, here known as the structuring/formation phase, the political phase and the endogenous/academic phase, which demanded postures that were sometimes more academic and sometimes more political. Its national character, its ambiguous nature, its double insertion (political and academic), its role of defender of the interests of the professionals in the public health sector, the accomplishments and limitations of its board of directors, the assembling power of its congresses, as well as its role in the formation of human resources in the several modalities and in the formulation of health policies are identified along the work. Given its characteristics, dimensions and complexity, the limitations of its action, as well as the obstacles to be faced, present themselves in several orders and intensities, which are the result of the dynamics of the very social and political process in which it is inserted


recursos humanos politica de saude

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