Associação Três-Lagoense de artesanato: a comunidade e suas potencialidades para o turismo e desenvolvimento local




The Current study aimed at verifying if Três Lagoas Craft Association is considered as a community based on Local Development and analyzing its relationship with the tourist activity in Três Lagoas city-MS. This work is divided into three chapters, which present the theory relating it to the data gathered through the field work. This chapter raises the concept of Community and Local Development in which the divergent points are discussed. Furthermore, the issues that raise the association features are treated in depth and, lastly the relationship that involves Três Lagoas Craft Association, its activity in Três Lagoas city. The data gathering relied on intervim and semi-structured questionnaires which were addressed the association president and to the other components of the group whose data were presented and analyzed. According to such information, Três Lagoas Craft Association is indeed considered as a community and that it has potential to the practice of a tourist activity development and, finally, that it has a Glose relationship between crafts in general and tourism, as well as between the target association and the tourist activity in Três Lagoas.


desenvolvimento local artesanato e turismo comunidade community planejamento urbano e regional local development craft and tourism

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