Assim é se lhe parece - transtorno obsessivo compulsivo: estudo de variáveis cognitivo-afetivas de personalidade por meio do método de Rorschach




This research aimed to study cognitive-affective variables in patients diagnosed with severe and disabling obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and compare them with those in patients with mild OCD. The preliminary selection of sample patients was based on interviews, medical records and the YBOCS, AGF and ICG objective scales. These data allowed detection of two groups: severe (G1) and mild (G2). Focused on the socalled Critical Special Scores, the Rorschach method according to the Exners scoring system was the main instrument used to examine the cognitive-affective variables of the personality. Quantitative results showed significant differences regarding the response values WSum 6, DR2 and Level 2, suggesting the larger presence of those cognitive alterations in group G1. Further exploration of the variables evidenced elevated MOR score in G1. Next, an inter case analysis of both groups showed a large variability in the response values in G1. The most discrepant cases were further studied under the qualitative aspect, aimed at better understanding cognitive alterations as they appear in individuals with OCD in particular. That allowed verifying a lack of mental flexibility as the common thread among G1 cases that took different forms and intensities. In some cases obsessive-compulsive rituals were observed during association and inquire phases; on these moments, the patient completely lost the instructions and was driven away from them. Thematic repetition of the content of the responses or of part of them was observed in all the patients of the severe group. Besides, some of them showed potential repetitive responses through comments like in all of the plates I could see Finally, signs of rigidity and perfectionism were present in some cases, so that the response time increased highly. The analysis of the response process also allowed to note particularities in the dynamics of the patient-examiner relationship which deserved attention; very prolix, sometimes the patient himself was not able to define a response unit, so that the examiner had be careful to not interfere on the patients own process of response. The discussion approached the quantitative and qualitative results vis-à-vis the OCDs psychopathological aspects and their diversity. Finally, some limitations of the research are noted and suggestions for further research are made


psicologia transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo obsessive-compulsive disorder toc personalidade rorschach, teste de

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