Assédio moral e seus efeitos na relação de emprego




The purpose of the following is the approach on the moral importunity phenomenon (harassment) and it s results in the labor relationship as we present some condusions which definitely do not dose such subject. We have begun from a general human dignity and the accurate and fair worplace and then that phenomenon (harassment) itself, as illicit aspect in the We have stated that phenomenon - harassment - as integrant pari of worplace, labor contract transgressor under which could be found stated all those work conditions mainly the afies considering the employee s human dignity and personality. modero work organization wich aims at the competitiveness and cosi reduction without regarding either the labor satisfication or personal relationship. We have dedicated long chapter to the effects of that phenomenon harassment) in the labor relationship in arder we can submit such phenomenon to the brazilian judicial arder as well we search for the judicial protection which supposed to be offered to the phenomenon, remarkably, the reparation of all losses caused by such behavior


assedio direito do trabalho relacoes industriais direito

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