Aspectos sincrônicos e diacrônicos do sufixo -ístico(a) no português e no galego / Synchronic and diachronic aspects of the suffix -ístico(a) in Portuguese Language and in Galician Language


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work, a result of researches carried out by the GHMP (GMHP in Portuguese) - Group of Historical Morphology of the Portuguese Language - aims at studying both the synchronic and diachronic aspects of the suffix -ístico(a), as well as its existing relations with its evolution -ística and with the suffixes -ismo and -ista in Portuguese and Galician, in order to justify its morphological change from a deverbal to a denominal nature, its further semantic changes as well as the languages responsible for its dissemination. For such, by making use of the method evolved by the group and with lexicographical, historiographical, not to mention literary and journalistic corpora, initially we aim by means of the elaboration of a general prospection, to establish the initial period of functioning of the suffix besides observing how it is understood by the present linguistic works in the two languages under study. Then, its Greco-Latin genesis and subsequently its functioning in other languages are analyzed as well as its syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations with the other suffixes involved in order to establish an evolution throughout the centuries by means of the elaboration of functional-semantic classifications of each period under study, as well as to assess the importance of languages of culture and of processes of translations in the dissemination of the suffixes in question. Thus, with the construction of a glossary of dating and sample sentences of formations with -ística, the evolution of -ístico(a), the great importance of the German language, unlike the French language, in the diffusion of the suffix can be observed. Finally, with the analysis of the productivity of -ístico(a) in Portuguese, it can be demonstrated that a suffix is not only possessed by both a semantic and functional meaning, but is also constituted by various other nuances, among which the ones that characterize the textual gender in which it functions.


formação de palavras historical linguistics historical morphology linguística histórica morfologia histórica suffix -ístico(a) suffixation sufixação sufixo -ístico(a) word formation

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