Aspectos semântico-discursivos no léxico da MPB: empréstimos linguísticos no percurso de Noel a Blanc / Semantical discursive aspects in the lexicon of Brazilian Popular Music - MPB: loan words in the journey from Noel to Blanc


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this paper is achieving the importance of foreign expressions and their contribution to the lexical level of the language. Also, it reports the social, historical and cultural aspects and moments that those loan words have been presented in the Brazilian songbook since 1930, through a quantitative and qualitative point of view. It points out the circumstances of their major appearance in music and reveals specific intentions of their political, social or linguistic uses. Lyrics, records, CDs, audiovisual Internet resources were searched, as though biographies and technical literature about music and Portuguese language


estrangeirismo empréstimo linguístico léxico neologismo lingua portuguesa língua portuguesa - estrangeirismos - teses língua portuguesa - neologismos - teses música popular - brasil - teses língua portuguesa lexicologia - teses língua portuguesa semântica teses línguagem e cultura brasil - teses foreign expressions loan words lexicon neologism

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