Aspectos psicossociais de famílias de crianças com transtornos do desenvolvimento




Development disabilities (DD) are defined as "any nosologic entities or events of genetic origin or acquired by the first months of life, that undertake the development of the individual brain, and can cause disability, physical or mental, as well as restrictions on functionality and social participation." (Haase, Barreto &Freitas, in press). A literature review revealed that the issue has been addressed on the basis of model of adaptation seeking to consider personal and situational variables. However, the diversity of models found shows how extensive are the researches in the area and the fact that there is no prospect integrative on the subject yet. The metamodel proposed by Perry (2004) aims to fill this gap and serve as a point of departure for studies on stress and coping in families of children with DD. The present study investigates the possible relationship between type of diagnosis of the child and parents subjective perceptions of welfare as well as their styles of coping. Another goal was to examine what are the situations commonly experienced by these parents when raising their children with DD. Fifty two parents participated in this study, with ages ranging between 22 and 66 years old, with the ages of the children ranging between 1 and 41 years old. We also evaluated the presence of symptoms of psychopathology using the Questionário de Saúde Geral. The results show 15 parents presenting symptoms of psychopathology. A qualitative analysis of the interviews revealed that the perceived support of the spouse, social support network, socioeconomic characteristics and type of diagnosis influence the participants perception of stress. Data illustrate the assumptions of the Perryss metamodel of stress in families of children with DD.


psicologia do desenvolvimento teses. psicologia teses. pesquisa qualitativa teses. família teses.

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