Aspectos lingüísticos e sociais no uso de pronomes em cartas pessoais baianas / Social and linguistics aspects of the personal pronouns usage in personal bahiana letters.




This research work presents the achievements for an unreleased corpus with personal letters written in Bahia during 1940s in XX century. From that corpus social aspects were joined together which tell us the region history as well as were observed linguistics aspects which characterize the informersdialectic and represents characteristics of Brazilian Portuguese - "PB". Among the linguistics phenomena observed in the corpus and represents dialectic particularities, the personal pronouns highlight themselves with significant registers. This reason motivated and defined the object of research of this work: the personal pronouns. I present a select of data which join the effective usages of the personal pronouns the corpus and I observe them from a pattern of an empiric analysis with quantitative and qualitative approaches. I also bring to this work scenery personal other data as Conde do Pinhals personal letters who founded São Carlos town in 1857, in the "sertões" of São Paulo. Conde do Pinhal writes to his wife, Ana Carolina, they are noble, wealthy and well-educated people and then I observe that up to what level is possible to associate the usage of personal pronouns of my informers to the condition of their education. Through these aspects and the results of the research that studies the system of the pronouns of PB, aims to reflect about as the usage of personal pronouns shows themselves in an usual way in the variations of the Brazilian Portuguese standard and non-standard.


português não-padrão effective usage of the personal pronouns social history organization of corpus história social organização de corpus variação pronominal mistura de tratamento

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