Aspectos hÃdricos do aqÃÃfero Serra Geral na cidade de Cascavel




The Serra Geral Aquifer is composed by impermeable rocks, originated from basalt of Serra Geral composition, so the production of groundwater occurs only along faults and fractures of rocks and intersperse with more permeable rocks. Aiming at analyzing quantitative and qualitative hydric aspects, data from 77 and 36 wells were used respectively in Cascavel region. The obtained conclusions for the quantitative aspects were: 1 - The average depth of excavation of wells was 90.28 m; 2 - In regions with lower altitudes, the lowest depths of static and dynamic level were registered; 3 â the deeper wells depths less is the variation of lowering from static / dynamic level and 4 - the average flow was 7.88 mÂ. h-1; 5 - The average cost to set a well is U.S. $ 4965.40. For qualitative parameters, it was concluded that: 6 - The average pH was 7.2, although its distribution is spatially variable; 7 â the average turbidity was 0.115 NTU and it was almost spatially unchangeable, indicating a low concentration of solids in suspension; 8 - The average electrical conductivity was 113 μ and it did not show spatial variability, 9 - All wells are within typical standards of water captivating for pH and turbidity, published in the decree 518/2004 of Health Ministry.


groundwater hydrogeology hidrogeologia drinking water potabilidade engenharia agricola Ãgua subterrÃnea

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