Aspectos do federalismo brasileiro : o caso do fundo de manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino fundamental e valorização do magistério - FUNDEF - 1998 a 2002




This dissertation studies Brazilian federative model under the perspective of federative relations and its implications in the building of Fund for the Development of Primary Education and Teacher Development (FUNDEF), from 1998 until 2002. The Brazilian federative model is marked by inter-government relations of centeroutskirts basis, by the shift of moments of deep centralization of powers in the central federal government (called in Brazil as Union), with moments of huge decentralization of the same power with the other federative links (states and municipalities.) The Brazilian federalism still passes over many changes due to strong, unsolved regional disparities that have characterized nations daily life. In this scenario, the Fund for the Development of Fundamental Education and Teacher Development (FUNDEF) has been created aimed at the public primary education financing and it has represented an advance in the public policy making coordinated by the Union in partnership with the Brazilian states and municipalities


ciencia politica federalismo relações intergovernamentais fundef

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