"Aspectos da ecologia de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) em Santos, São Paulo, Brasil" / Ecological aspects of Aedes aegypti ( Linnaeus) in Santos, São Paulo State, Brazil




Objective.Considering the importance of Baixada Santista in the maintenance of dengue epidemic in São Paulo, study was carried out on the ecological aspects of Aedes aeqypti, emphasizing the adult stage of this insect. Method. The survey was carried out in the municipality of santos, between January to December 2003. Residential and non residential premises were assessed as to the presence of containers which might be used as habitats for Aedes aegypti immatures. Larvae (3rd and 4th instars) and pupae were quantified. Parallelly, adults forms of the mosquito were collected and counted, and females examined as to ovarian development. Both immature and adult forms of the vector were used to estimate infestation indexes. Results. 1- Immature forms. A wide variety of possible breeding sites for Aedes aegypti was registered. Most of them was found in peridomiciliar environment, which presented 93,5% of the positive containers. The average positivity of the types of containers presented significant differences, being the highest values for tyres (11,9%), other useful materials (5,6%), water storage containers (4,6%) and other fixed ones (4,2%). Premises positivity form immature forms was 2,0%. 2- Adults forms. Premises positivity for adult forms was 39,2%. Most of the specimens, 92,4% was collected indoors. Adult and female averages per surveyed premises were 1,3 and 0,7, respectively. Approximately 90,4% of the examined females presented ovarian development between III and V Christophers and Mer phases.Conclusions. Tires showed the higest positivity among all recipients sampled for the study. Rainwater drains were found more frequently positive. estimated values for adult infestation were higher than for immature. The presence of adults throughout the year suggests that the species is adapted to local conditions. Endophily and endophagy were corroborated by the presence of adults inside houses in III to V ovariolar phases of C&M.


criadouros adultos indicadores de infestação formas imaturas aedes aegypti

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