Aspectos clínico-patológicos dos gangliogliomas da fossa posterior / Clinicopathological aspects of posterior fossa gangliogliomas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Gangliogliomas are rare central nervous system tumors, corresponding to 1,3% of all intracranial tumors. Usually they manifest clinically as epilepsy refractory to medical treatment. The most common location are the temporal lobes, followed by the frontal lobes. The infratentorial location is extremely rare with only 30 cases reported until 2007. Apparently there is no such report on the brazilian medical literature. In the present thesis our objective is to describe one of these rare cases operated at our institution with a broad discussion over the clinical, radiological, pathological and the treatment of these tumors. W e are proposing a rational sequence on how to manage these cases, wich are so rare on neurosurgical practice


sistema nervoso central - tumores tronco encefálico cerebelo lobo temporal medula espinhal tumor brain cerebellum temporal lobe spinal cord

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