Asma na infância: o acompanhamento da saúde da criança na estratégia saúde da família / Childhood asthma: monitoring the health of children in the family health strategy.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to analyze the experiences of health professionals from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) regarding the monitoring of children under five years old with asthma from the perspective of comprehensive health care, providing support for children\ s primary health care. The specific objectives were: to describe the sociodemographic profile of professionals in family health strategy in the units investigated; to describe the signs and symptoms, preventive and promotional measures and treatment related to asthma in children that health professionals report in the family health strategy; to identify and analyze the experiences of health professionals in monitoring the health of children under five years old with asthma in the context of the family health strategy from the perspective of comprehensive health care. This descriptive and exploratory study with qualitative data analysis was developed in the city of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, in four Family Health Strategy Units, selected based on the number of children under five years old registered and monitored from data Information System of Primary Care. Participants were 25 health professionals (physicians, nurses, nursing auxiliaries and technicians and community health workers) who were working in the units for at least one year, after the approval by the research ethics committee. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted and recorded and data analysis was based on thematic analysis. The results bring up relevant issues on children\ s health, highlighting elements of the organization of health care in the FHS, of the drug and non-drug treatment, of the specialized follow-up, and of the relations with the family in the daily care of children with asthma. In health care the dialogue is essential in building empathy, trust, bonding and co-responsibility between professionals and mothers and families, aiming the adhesion, an effective treatment, the health promotion and quality of life of the children and their family. Thus, actions in health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of child are very important, focusing on continuity and comprehensive care.


asma asthma atenção integrada às doenças prevalentes na infância atenção primária à saúde attention integrated management of childhood illness child or child health continuidade da assistência ao paciente continuity of patient care criança ou saúde da criança family health management manejo primary health care saúde da família

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