As taxionomias toponímicas de natureza física e suas influências na navegação aérea: Conceitos de Dick / The toponymic taxonomies of physical nature and their influences on air navigation: according to Dick\ s Concepts\"


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to demonstrate the meaning of indigenous names of aerodromes of Brazil. The aerodromes were classified in the Taxonomy of Nature Physics Dick (Concepts of Dick). We collected and selected 270 toponyms whose meanings contribute to visual cues in navigation, thus making them a participatory element to promote safety during take-off and landing periods. The study intends to increase the navigator view in relation to the landforms references classified in a Taxonomy and Toponymic chart. Toponymy, in this regard, plays a relevant role as a precious element in flight planning and navigation.


aerodrome aeródromos aeronáutica aeronautics conceitos de dick concepts of dick taxionomias taxonomy toponímia topônimos toponyms toponymy

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