As relações interpessoais numa escola de formação docente




This study has the set purpose of understandind how interpersonal relationships develop in a school that prepares teachers. Their research was made at a Center for Epecific Formation and Betterment of the Teaching Profession - CEFAM, at the state capital of São Paulo. This qualitative study, of an ethnographic nature, employed the methodological referential of Marli André, and the following instruments:observation, interviews and the analysis of documents. The observations were made during six months,and they resulted in the elaboration of the episodes. Those episodes served as a starting point for the interviews held with teachers. The data was analyzed under the guidance of the theoretical referentials of Rogers, Maturana, Almeida, Carvalho, Duarte, Mahoney, Placco e Silva, M., for the context of interpersonal relantionships, and Silva, J., Motta, F., and Fleury for the context of organizational culture. The study of interpersonal relantionships, in the school being studies, revealed that: - The collective formation of the teachers is not easy to bring about; building a "precise language", as a result of objectives in commondemands time, space for ponderations and persistence, based on comfortable interpersonal relationships. When the dean, in his role of Chief Manager makes feasible the emergence of personal projects that are interconnected with the collective ones, he is channeling the strenghts of the people into the group. When this group is dispersed, due to a legal determination or for other reasons, there is a great loss for institution, and also for the professionals involved; - Endurtance,creativity and sensibility are manifestations of the relationahips between persons and groups found at the school for the training of teachers. Endurance to refuse to accept legal impositions and help out a colleague. Criativity to propose projects and ativities to take teachers and pupils to their professed goals. Persistence of the remaining teachers to keep the integrity of the CEFAM, and sensibility to accept each other, turning the school into a pleasant environment


relacoes humanas centro especifico de formacao e aperfeicoamento do magisterio (sp) psicologia educacional professores -- formacao profissional

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