As praticas preventivas para o cancer de mama e do colo do utero pelas mulheres de 40 anos ou mais de idade no municipio de Campinas, SP / Preventive practices for cervical and breast cancer for women 40 years old and over in the city of Campinas, SP




Background: Brazil has high incidence and mortality rates of breast and cervical cancer even though effective screening methods for early detection are provided by the Unified Health System-SUS. There is a need to identify subgroups of women who do not undergo preventive practices for these conditions, so as to develop strategies at the three levels of government in order to minimize the inequalities that still exist in terms of access to health services, offer of basic care, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in issues related to women?s health. Objectives: To analyze early detection practices for breast and cervical cancer, according to socio-demographic characteristics, morbidity and health-related behaviors. Methods: Cross-sectional, population-based study of all non-institutionalized women, 40 years old and over, and living in the urban area of Campinas. The sample was constructed by dividing the census sectors of Campinas into three strata groups according to the percentage of heads of households with college education. Ten census sectors were drawn from each stratum, and households were drawn and individuals selected for interviews from each census sector, according to gender and age. Information was derived from a questionnaire structured in 19 theme blocks, mostly with closed questions asked directly to the individual drawn. The present study included 290 individuals as follows: women, 20 to 59 years old and women 60 and over. Two groups of variables were analyzed: independent variables, encompassing socio-demographic variables, health-related behaviors and individual and family members? health status in terms of undergoing preventive practices to detect breast and cervical cancer. Statistical analysis was performed by using the STATA 7.0 program, which enabled taking into account the variables of the sample plan and design effect. Analyses included prevalence estimates, overall odds ratio and multiple regression logistic models. Results: The present study made it possible to verify that 83.3% of women 40 years and over, living in Campinas, have an inappropriate practice in relation to Pap smears; 8.5% of women between 40 and 59 years of age and that 11.1% of women 60 and over had never undergone a Pap smear. Among the major reasons pointed out by the women that had never had oncotic cytology, the following stand out: believing the test is not necessary (43.5%), being embarrassed (28.1%), and obstacles related to the service performing the test (13.7%). The univariate analysis detected the following factors associated with not having a cytology smear: age, race/color, schooling, number of individuals in the household, having assets, not doing preventive exams for breast cancer. The result of the hierarchy multiple regression logistic analysis pointed out that not having an appropriate practice in relation to Pap smears is more frequent in non-white women between 40 and 59 years of age, with up to 4 years of schooling and that had not had a dental appointment in the past year. The study verified that 43.2% of women that had been submitted to a Pap smear had done so in a SUS service. Regarding practices related to early detection of breast cancer, 50.8% of women had not had a mammogram in the past two years, and of these, 42.5% had never had a mammogram, and 8.3% had had one more than 2 years before; 38.2% had not been submitted to a breast examination in the year preceding the interview. The largest ratios of not having a mammogram (67.7%) and of not having a clinical breast exam (56.5%) were found among women 70 years old and over. The following associations were found in the univariate analyses for not having an annual breast exam: age, race/color, marital status, schooling, having assets, liquor consumption, exercising, breast self-examination, mammogram and cytology, and utilization of dental services. The following associated factors were found in the univariate analyses for not having a mammogram in the two years preceding the interview: age, race/color, per capita family income, having assets, liquor consumption, having had an annual breast exam and cytology. The results of the multiple regression logistic model showed that not having a clinical breast exam was more frequent among women that: live without a companion or in households with more than four residents, do not drink liquor, do not perform self breast examination and did not have a dental appointment in the past year. Not having a mammogram was more prevalent in non-white women 70 years or over, and that did not drink liquor. Of the tests mentioned, 28.8% of mammograms and 38.1% of clinical breast exams were performed by the SUS. Conclusion: The study showed the major features of women that did not have appropriate preventive practices for cervical and breast cancer, and that health managers should develop strategies at the three levels of government in order to minimize access inequalities and to guarantee the principles of equity and integrality of the actions of women?s health programs


mamas - exame prevention mulheres - saude e higiene cancer exam pap smear papanicolau mamas - cancer - prevenção women health mamografia breast breast mammogram

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