As obrigaÃÃes do amor : um estudo sobre as relaÃÃes de gÃnero e poder com mulheres de camadas mÃdias urbanas nascidas no inÃcio do sÃculo XX




This work aims at understanding gender relations experienced by married middle-class women and born in Recife between 1919 and 1931. Considering gender relations as power relations, it is important to comprehend here the varied dimensions that power assumes in their lives. Contrarily to the gender theories which view power as something purely relational, in line with Anthony Giddens, I consider power as constitutive of human agency and, therefore, as inherent to social agents. According to the patriarchal family and nuclear family models studied by Gilberto Freyre and AntÃnio CÃndido, the male and female roles are asymmetrical, where women have remained with the household world and in a subordinate position, while men, who have been identified with the street world, hold positions of giving commands. By questioning the rigid borderlines between household and street, I raised the hypothesis that a relative autonomy and more or less concealed forms of resistance were part of these womenâs lives. These elements characterized them as agents as defined by Giddens and not simply as passive victims of male domination. Based on the combination between feminism and hermeneutics, I interpreted the narratives of 20 women on the themes related to marriage, care towards others and work. These narratives have revealed that, throughout their lives and by means of some resources which were available to them, the women have defined autonomy spaces, cared for and influenced people by exerting authority and, finally, they have defined strategies in their favour, at times contradicting and at times confirming the traditional family model. The interviewed women, who have therefore tried to leave behind the subordination model, were dynamic in their agency and, as far as possible, they have found âa sphere of oneâs ownâ


poder sociologia autoridade mulheres sociology authority family famÃlia feminismo sociologia gender power feminism gÃnero

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