As novas formas de discriminação sexista : uma perspectiva da psicologia social




Since the publication of Simone de Beauvoir s book "The Second Sex" in the 1950 s, works with woman as the central object have increased. This development has brought about strong criticisms towards society s dominant values as well as towards the social sciences dominants parameters, particularly those linked to andocentric explanations that saw the woman from a natural and a-historical point of view. In the 1980 s and 1990 s, studies about woman s different conditions have increased considerably and in areas such as history, anthropology, literature, psychology, education and sociology. The diversity of possible explanations, as well as the multiplicity of analytical perspectives and research methods have allowed the construction of different views about women and gender relationships. We can point out studies on gender identity development, social discourse about subordination, stereotypes and prejudices and, specially about subtle ways that women are dominated and devaluated. Following this research perspective specially from a social psychology angle and replacing prejudice and stereotypes in the social exclusion process, we present an empirical work that aims at analyzing current forms of discrimination towards woman on the working place. Specifically, this study analyses the social categorization processes developed by women and men, who have an authority position, about the discrimination towards women in their process of professional ascension, trying to understand the configuration of the new subtle discrimination forms suffered by women in authority positions and which are performed in the working relationships. Also, it is analyzed the strategies developed by women to gain or to maintain in their professional place. In order to achieve those goals, this empirical study has had two stages. In the first one, we approached a group formed by 50 men who were head of personal departments in public or private companies and who also had a graduated title. In the second stage we interviewed 20 women who were in high hierarchical positions in several public and private institutions. To analyze those interviews, we used the Content Analysis Technique and a Discourse Analysis Software, the statistical software ALCESTE (By Context Lexical Analysis) which were appropriated to this study objectives because it allows qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the interviews


social psychology discriminação de sexo no emprego work sex discrimination in employment categorization (psychology) relações de genero psicologia social gender relations categorização (psicologia)

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