As Mútiplas "faces" da negligência nas situações de violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes




This text presents a critical construction on the category recklessness, in the perspective of the professionals of the attendance of the Regional Center of Attention to maltreatment in the Infancy of the ABCD - Diadema Unit. It has as objective to contribute for new looks on this subject. The theoretical landmark that guided the research process all was the social theory of Marx, specifically, the category totality. What it made possible a ampler vision of the category recklessness. In we appropriate them of the content analysis, to analyze the quarrels developed in the research, through the qualitative technique of the focal group. This technique in made possible them to not only approach the subject involving the daily one of work of the CRAMI, but, the feelings and vision that each professional have on this complex and contradictory subject, this fact contributes of substantive form for the analysis. The study on the recklessness in it showed them that this is a category that deserves a bigger attention, in that if relates to the research and scientific studies. We conclude in this study that stops understanding the recklessness, we must have clearly that they exist determinative so that this situation if it configures as negligent and that it is necessary to place in the guideline of quarrels in the spaces of right of the child and the adolescent an ample vision of the meaning of this category


criança e adolescente violência doméstica violencia familiar assistencia a menores centro regional de atencao aos maus-tratos na infancia do abcd (sp) child and adolescent família, negligência servico social com criancas domestic violence servico social recklessness family

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