As mediações linguísticas do intérprete de língua de sinais na sala de aula inclusiva


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper aims at studying the inclusive politics for special needs students, through theanalysis of the inclusion aides work employed by schools to solve communication problems faced by deaf children during their inclusion process into regular basic education schools. This research, guided by an interactional ethnographic perspective, considered the inclusive classroom as a culture particularly built by the different interaction forms between deaf children, hearing children, teacher and inclusion aide. The survey data were collected along the year 2009, at the Escola Municipal Paulo Mendes Campos (secondary school), in Belo Horizonte; the goal was to investigate how the communication process occurs in a bilingual classroom and what kinds of mediations are created by the aide in order to facilitate the learning process of deaf children. This study showed, firstly, that the inclusive politics for deaf children is still far from accomplishing its purposes in offering to deaf children the same opportunities offered to the hearing ones. In addition, through the analysis of the teachers aide mediation, it was possible to realize that the role of this professional is complex, challenging and presents some limitations and possibilities that must be considered by public education managers.


educação teses. educação inclusiva teses. linguagem por sinais teses. surdos educação metodologia teses.

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