As lutas das mulheres negras : identidade e militância na construção do sujeito político




Black women militancy in the feminist and black movements joined different experiences and brought significant reflections on black women reality. Those movements legitimized their central role in the deconstruction of social representations that born out of the imaginary context and in the changes that occurred in the domination patterns, as political agents. In their specific groups of action, black women have been playing an important role in the anti-sexist and anti-racist political actions, reaffirming a new identity resulting of being woman and black. Their claims directed to the society have been taken into account for the construction of a citizenship project, capable of reuniting the multiplicity of social relations. The questions proposed in the research do not seek answers about those women realities as absolute truths, neither as definitive truths. On the contrary, the research is driven towards the construction of another history of women, a history of possibilities.


identidade militância gênero, raça feminismos historia identity feminisms black women militancy genre mulheres negras race

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