As letras ramistas em dois roteiros de viagem do século XVIII / The ramist letters in two travel routes in the century XVIII




The object of this investigation is the research of the ramist letters [j] and [v] and its differences [i], [y] and [u] made in two travel routes in the century XVIII. Therefore, it is made a very detailed and exhausted selection of both handwritings and there is a map which illustrates the title of the documents. It is also studied grammar books used in centuries XVI, XVII and XVIII and they show whenever the use of [i], [y], [j], [u] and [v] took place in standard grammar. The bibliography of Pierre de la Rameé is used shortly, only to recognize the context of differences in the ramist letters [j] and [v] of [i] and [u]. In the chapter dedicated to toponym, the intention is to analyze the behavior of ramist and its variability in general. It is seen a special writing, a kind of [y] with a dash in the tail like [y], whose phonetic reference and semantic is translated, in tupi, in the word water. The analysis of both texts are close in chronologic and thematic aspects but different treats permit different and frequent manners of a certain time in writing history and reveal some tendencies in the use of ramist writing and its possible for this or that letter is taken by much more for authors idiosyncrasies than the normatization imposed by grammar books at that age.


historical linguistics graphematic lingüística histórica filologia roteiros de viagem philology tour routes grafemática letras ramistas ramist letter

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