As juremeiras da nação Xambá (Olinda, PE):músicas, performances, representações de feminino e relações de gênero na jurema sagrada.




This dissertation focuses on the music and performances by female entities from Jurema Cult, as well as, gender and power relationships within its religious context. The fieldwork was realized at Ilê Axé Oyá Meguê of Xambá nation (Olinda, PE) and also other Jurema houses where the leaders are also filhas-de-santo from this terreiro: the juremeiras. Jurema is an Afro-Indigenous Cult with the important presence of the sacred drink also called jurema, and the shamanic smoke considered by the povo-de-santo as a science that treats soul and bodys illnesses. This Cult is practiced in the Brazilian Northeastern area and as well as it is highly present in terreiros of xangô, de Orishas Cult, within the urban context. Regarding the human aspect, most jurema houses related to the terreiro of Xambá nation has women as leaders. On the other hand, in relation to the spiritual aspect, the Jurema Cult has female entities such as caboclas, pretas-velhas, ciganas, mestras and pombagiras. Each one of those entities has their own musical repertories and performances that will be analyzed. Finally, music as feminine within the Jurema Cult will be analyzed in two ways: as a divines narrative, and as a human narrative, showing how the representations and the spiritual agendas are related to the human experience. By analyzing that, I want to show how this relationship between the human and the divine builds practices that can either reaffirm gender binary systems or even disturb them, taking into account gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, generation and class as important analytical categories in order to build a music theory in ethnomusicology under the feminist approach.


música - narrativa musica etnomusicologia

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