As (in)visibilidades dos tradutores : sombra, vestigio e imagem




According to Lawrence Venuti, the translator s invisibility can be gauged in translated literary texts and their respective reviews. Readers and reviewers are apparently affected by a kind of prejudice that is characterized by the attribution of a second-order status to translations, and a supposedly deceiving illusion is alleged to make the reader efface this second-order status 50 that the original author s voice might be heard. The objective of this dissertation is to argue these statements by calling attention to the following: a) the elements which permit the identification of translations as such are more present outside than inside the text proper, thus the importance of evaluating the translation paratexts and of enlarging the focus on this questioning to non-literary texts and translators; b) the alleged prejudice reveals the translator s victimization; c) the reviews in which invisibility is gauged, as long as they are appropriately classifiable as literary criticism of translations, in opposition to translation criticism (this one being eminently comparative, as stated by Albrecht Neubert and Gregory Shreve), have no commitment to appraising the translator s work, and there are reviewers who do not even accomplish the minimum conditions for doing so, e.g. being bilingual or having a comparison term; d) agreeing with Theo Hermans: the iIIusion involved in any translation is necessary for its acceptance and it is the result of conditioning, thus, under a certain aspect, the translator s invisibility is also necessary, as investigation of translated quotations may prove; and e) when the reader previously possesses information about the translator, the translation work is taken intoaccount. Our expository and evaluative path leads to the characterization of the image that guarantees greater visibility for the translator, startingfrom the shadows that involve the translator, according to certain theoretical postulations, and the identification of the vestiges one must be attentive to when seeking to be more visible


autoria tradução e interpretação reputação (direito)

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