As imagens do atual ombudsman da Folha : a construção de um ethos / The images of the ombusdsman of Folha : construction of ethos




The act of communication provides the building of an author´s image. Before this, the author builds the image of the people that will receive his text and it affects the production conditions of the text. This work intends to present tools to analyze the images that the ombudsman of Folha de S. Paulo creates of himself. All the five publication on sundays of june 2008 will be analyzed. There the journalist criticizes the performance of the whole newspaper. We ll write about the theories that admit the effectiveness of the word, as rethoric, pragmatic and the recent studies of the discourse analisys. We ll show that the discursive gender of the ombudsman of Folha de S. Paulo is similar to the epidíctico genre of the rethoric art, that is dedicated to praise or to censor. Also, it will be posible to understand that the persuasive character is mainly connected to the buildng of the author s ethos and to the scenography


persuasão (retorica) retorica image ombudsman imagem persuasion (rethoric) ethics Ética ombudsman rethoric

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