As formas da forma. O design brasileiro entre o modernismo e a modernização / The forms of the form: Brazilian design between modernism and modernization


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Undertaking an analysis on the history of the social insertion of the activities related to the designer in the Brasilian cultural universe in the middle of the 20th Century, I aim at illuminating some of the particularitis that came to mark this trajectory. Starting from a brief appraisal of its rudiments and historical precedents originary from international contexts distinct from the one of the priviliged period in local scope, I also try to trace the contours of the conditions thata favoured the inclusion of eisgn among the modern languages that flourished in that second more cosmopolitan moment of Brasilian modernism, even if still under the shadow of Architectures achievements. And, finally, by focussing the analytical perspective on two of its exponents, Alexandre Wollner and Aloísio Magalhães, and delineating their successful professional trajectories since the timeframe considered, I aim at outlining some of the vicissitudes that came to characterise the frail consolidation of Design in the Brasilian cultural and professional environments throughout the rest of the century and until the present days.


alexandre wollner alexandre wollner aloísio magalhães aloísio magalhães architecture arquitetura design design modernismo modernismo

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