As fachadas da casa moderna


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The object of this dissertation is the systematic study of the façades of modern singlefamily houses in the period 1915-60, which aim is to broaden and improve the typification criteria that are currently available. One of those criteria is the systematisation presented by architect Rodrigo Pérez de Arce in the essay As faces do moderno [The faces of the modern], according to which the modern façade can be classified into five main types: free façade, furniture façade, balcony façade, mask façade, curtain façade. This classification undoubtedly represents a step forward from other proposals in modern architectural literature, which identify characteristics in modern façades, such as asymmetric composition, preference for flat roofs and elevated base, the relationship between interior and exterior and the absence of hierarchy between front and back of the building. To achieve the objectives of this study, based on the extensive and discriminating list presented in Comas¿ text La casa unifamiliar moderna [The modern single-family house], a selection was made of 89 houses from that period, which were designed by internationally renowned architects and their façades were carefully analysed. After a preliminary examination of the sample, an alternative system of categories was proposed. The system, which was also the methodological basis of the analyses undertaken, was founded upon eight general criteria: the relationship between support structure and sealing; thickness of the sealing; thickening of the surface; constituent layers; base and crown; composition of the elements; relationship between façade and interior; hierarchy between front and back. The analyses confirm the great diversity and complexity of the patterns of façades of modern, single-family houses. They also demystify certain preconceived ideas about the subject and they show that the originality and the innovative reach purported by mode


residências unifamiliares casas unifamiliares casas : século xx fachadas arquitetura moderna

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