As estratégias de coping (enfrentamento) e o significado do cuidado para as mães cuidadoras de crianças com paralisia cerebral


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Based on a humanistic analysis, the process of caring is a way of being, expression, an activity that promotes personal growth and brings a moral and ethical dimension. The caring process is humanizing as it leads the individual to discover new skills, new experiences and values. Nevertheless, caring itself may be stressful and may interfere with physical and mental health. We focus on the care provided by mothers of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We sought to analyze the speech of the mothers from the perspective of discourse analysis. However, the theoretical analysis is guided by Heidegger and the theory of coping. Based on the theoretical model of Folkman and Lazarus we pointed out and analyzed the strategies of coping utilized by the care given mothers. In this context, care can be analyzed from the perspective of a stressor that triggers an adaptive response to a situation that burden on the caregiver. The caregiver initially makes an assessment of the nature of their conditions and its available resources that can facilitate the process of coping. Then the individual, consciously, begin to develop strategies to avoid situations assessed as threatening. Among the coping strategies there is a predominance of emotion-focused. Additionally, the religious/spiritual coping is configured as an important means of mitigating the stress. Social support also emerged as the structural basis for the mothers coping process. We widen our vision on the care from the thought of Martin Heidegger and correlate its ideas with the statements of the caregivers who live deeply aspects argued in the thought of this thinker.


crianÇas - paralisia cerebral - dissertaÇÕes mÃes cuidadoras - dissertaÇÕes enfrentamento - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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