As escadas da arquitetura minóica do período palacial / Staircases of Minoan Architecture in the Palatial Period




Through the research of vertical elements, which are prevalent throughout the majority of the buildings in the palatial city of Malia (2300-1480 a.C.), we aim to analyze the spatial organization of tri-dimensional constructions, in both private and public buildings. The investigation is initially based on the notions of the knowledge of all the properties and characteristics of those mega-artefacts, the buildings. Then, identify patterns and regularities, analyzing the material, the techniques, and the layout of staircases built into the constructions, as to achieve a deeper understanding of the role the vertical element played in the perception of space among the minoans, their tridimensionality techniques, the restrictions and the possibility of restructuring functions, since what is left of the constructions is only the floor plan. We attempt to identify the conceptions that led the users to choose to make their cities vertical. This research shows how essential the vertical elements are in the landscape when built spacial aspects are concerned; they define buildings which stand out and modify the territories where the minoans lived.


idade do bronze architecture civilização minóica escada bronze age minoan civilization arquitetura staircase

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