As emoções na educação fisica escolar




In the current study we look for comprehending the way the manifestations of children s emotions occur in their physical education classes in the third grade of Junior High School. We know the emotions are an important aspect to an individual development and we have seen the way it has been treated with negligence in the educational sphere. Authors like Antônio Damásio (I996 and 2000), Howard Gardner (2000) and Joseph LeDoux (1998) have been collaborating with researches that emphasize the mental and cerebral aspects of the emotions and their influences in the human being, looking for breaking the dichotomy between sense and emotion. The manifestations are individual of each person, so the theme is subjective and because of this there is no possibility of analyzing the factual aspect as cause and effect, but as an experience lived by a determinate group, we choose the methodological boarding of phenomenology. Nine groups of third grade students of public and private schools were observed during the physical education classes. To answer our initial inquiry about the way the emotional manifestations occur in physical education classes, some investigations were used: what emotions are more common in this context? What are the main unchaining factors? What is the influence of the accomplished activity? How can the teacher interfere on this process? The observed classes were described in a ingenuous way and then reduced in units of meanings to proceed the ideographic and nomothetics analysis. The results revea1 that among the analyzed emotions, the joy and the anger were the most manifested in the observed classes, and the anger was frequent among the children. This result is an alarm for teachers about the necessity of being sensitive to the social relation among their students, looking for strategies that have in view positive relations among them


fenomenologia desenvolvimento social emoções educação fisica (primeiro grau)

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