As deusas gregas virgens face ao poder de Afrodite / The virgin Greek goddesses vis-a-vis Aphrodite s power




The aim of this study which focuses on the Virgin Greek goddesses, Artemis, Athene and Hestia, is to stress the existence and the special meaning of those goddesses in the archaic Greek world, compared with Aphrodite s position as a representative of desire . The mythical system comprises the matter of desire linked to the meaning of "power", according to the evidence of reflections made from the corpus selected, Homer s and Hesiod s works and the Homeric Hymns referring to the virgin goddesses and Aphrodite. The methodology that orients this paper follows authors such as Geertz and Detienne, focusing on the use and meaning of the language in the written production of the Greek rapsodes. The concept of virginity is directed by the concept of desire, and it is necessary to consider Aphrodite s properties and attributes to define the virgin Greek goddesses who have another form of desire and power. That aspect brings up considerations on a patriarchal society and ways of feminine independence as a means of socialpolitical commitment, as well as on the maintenance of a tradition inherited from the Great Mother and the Amazons. One possible direction arising from the above facts is that Christianity tried to give sequence to this aspect of gender which promotes civilization and the organization of society, by way of the mater figure , as an element of cultural significance.


desejo patriarcado greek goddesses deusas gregas civilização afrodite (divindade grega) aphrodite (greek deity) civilization desire power patricarchate

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