As desventuras de Os Zeróis: cartuns e charges de Ziraldo, entre intenção e condição (1967-1972) / The misadventures of Os Zeróis: cartoons and caricatures by Ziraldo, between intention and condition


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation analyses the iconographic series of cartoons and caricatures under the general title of Os Zéróis by the graphic artist Ziraldo Alves Pinto, between the years 1967 and 1972. As a parody of superheroes from North American comics such as Superman, Batman, Captain America , Os Zérois provides a critical perspective to the ideals and values transmitted by these characters. In this sense, they are located at first, by principle and method, in the historical and political context in which they were designed: the Cold War, as international context, and the civil-military dictatorship, at the national level. With this approach, one intends to understand the strategies used by Ziraldo to remain active even in an adverse scenario considering the censorship of the Military Regime. In the following moment, the analyzis of Ziraldo\ s professional trajectory is started, especially in regard to the production of national comics whose climax was Pererê magazine (1960-1964), reaching the Os Zéróis in 1967 until 1972.


caricature cartoon cartum charge dictatorship ditadura super-herói superhero ziraldo ziraldo

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