As concepções de cientistas brasileiros sobre a tecnociencia : um estudo a partir da CTNBio / Brazilian scientists view on technoscience : the case of CTNBio


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The current link between science, technology and the market – referred to as technoscience – has as an emblematic example the new biotechnologies, among which those related to genetics and the development of genetically modified organisms may be considered key issues for scientific and environmental controversies. Speech fragments from the Brazilian research community are extracted from the current debate to show how those conceptions of technoscience on which they are based are constructed, propagated and legitimized. They refer to the National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) presented as electronic news by Science Journal (Jornal da Ciência) and as letters, lectures and other public documents. At the end of this dissertation, a relationship between the views of the research community, technoscientific practices and biosafety policies are established. The research points out that the Brazilian biosafety policy and the way that CTNBio was constituted and acts were not determined strictly scientific choices or by the end of uncertainty and clear and consensual boundaries regarding technological risks. Additionally, a normative constructivist approach is suggested as a form of understanding the new biotechnologies.


biossegurança ciencia e tecnologia - aspectos sociais biosafety science and technology studies

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