As concepções das professoras de ensino regular frente ao processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais




The aims of this research are the analysis and the interpretation of the regular teaching teachers conceptions facing the process of school inclusion of students with special educational needs. The corpus is constituted by the answers of questionnaires and interviews carried out with seven elementary school teachers from both public and private schools located in the city of Blumenau. The inclusion process has been seen as a challenging proposal, rearticulating the precepts of school education and generating challenges yet to be overcome by teachers. The research shows, amongst other factors, the formation and the action of teachers as significant elements to the effectiveness of the special educational need student inclusion in regular teaching proposal. The conceptions of teachers about students with special needs are intimately connected to their pedagogical expertise; therefore they must be perceived and not only supposed


inclusão escolar educação school inclusion education educacao concepção de professores conceptions of teachers educação especial; educação inclusiva; professores

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