As bordas do fotografico e da fotografia, fronteiras tenues




The search for understanding the way how the senses constitute themselves on the ?reading? of the photographs is the organizing question in this work. The Analysis of Discourse about photographs constitutes my theoretical and analytical point of support from what my observation was systematized. Taking as initial ?corpus? photographs considered artistic in the place of the institutional knowledge, in comparison with photographs known as non-artistic in this same place, I did interviews with specialists and non-specialists in photographs that gave their opinion about them. So the material of the analysis was the interviews about the photographs with subjects in the positions: non-specific Know about Photograph (n.e.K.Ph.), Know about Photograph (K.a.Ph.) and Know about the Photografic Know (K.a.Ph.K.). With the study about the history of the photograph, it was fundamental to observe the functioning of the senses in two different discursive orders that I called as the ?order of the photographic? and the ?order of the photograph?. The order of the photographic put a direction on the discourses about the photograph: the search of specification of the artistic in photograph. In the process of specification of the artistic in photograph, other discourses, identified with the general place of the common-sense about photograph, showed themselves crossing this functioning. These questions took me think about the way of constitution of the senses, that searches the delimitation of the artistic in photograph and at the same time does their frontiers become faint. The way of the constitution of the value-opinions in the relation with the imaginarily made details by the looks over the photographs showed the place of slip crossing the discourses, constituting itself as a place that changes the pre-made senses about the photograph. The specification of the artistic and the generation of the non-artistic constitute themselves in the imaginary, but the difference between one and other is fluid, because it is crossed by a discourse that goes through these two places: the beauty in the photograph


analise do discurso fotografia artistica fotografia

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