As arquiteturas relacionais da funÃÃo SI: Uma abordagem de Teoria dos Jogos




This work aims to show that it is possible to model the relations between Information Systems and Information Technology function and other business functions by means of a theoretician-mathematician proposal model based on the Theory of the Games, more necessarily on the behalf of the repeated prisoner dilemma infinite game and more precisely cooperative games. Firstly, a bibliography research about the mentioned relation and about similar conflicts was conducted, in order to itemize important aspects to develop the final model. Secondly, from the bibliography research findings, a model which included important aspects about the present conflict problematic was proposed. Finally, the proposed model was applied and analyzed in two brazilian companies. All results from this study suggest a cooperative behaviour


game theory jogos cooperativos teoria dos jogos organizational conflicts cooperative games prisoner dilemma arquitetura relacional da funÃÃo si/ti conflitos organizacionais dilema do prisioneiro engenharia de producao is/it relational architecture

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