Artesanato de caixeta em São Sebastião - SP. / The handcraft with "caixeta" in São Paulo -Sebastião




The handcraft with "caixeta" - Tabebuia Cassinoides (Lam) DC - that exists in the city of São Sebastião, in São Paulo, Brazil, was created by the local craftsmen during the decade of the eighties as a result from the tourism started in the region, from the knowledge of the wood carving techniques of the "caiçaras" craftsmen and from the availability of the natural resources in the region. As the areas where the "caixeta" grows are diminishing due to the growing urbanization, the selling of land by the craftsmen and the restrictive legislation about the cutting of this wood, the craft produced with the "caixeta" lost the base of its production and has been disappearing in the last years. This study began with the aim of identifying and analyze the factors of sustainability of the production of the local craft. As data was being collected, it was noticed the existence of production of craft with Tabebuia cassinoides in a system of manufacture in the city of Silveiras SP. This system was organized by local producers at the end of the eighties due to handcraft produced in São Sebastião. The production was mechanized and they created efficient commercialization strategies, distributing this craft in the whole country and abroad. The products were improved, diversified and transformed, getting to influence the patterns and even the craft producing system in São Sebastião. Data for this research was obtained through secondary sources and field research, by which open, structured and halfstructured interviews; questionaries and informal talks were


handcraft atividade econômica proteção ambiental plantas extrativas extractive species environmental protection forest trees artesanato árvores florestais enconomic activity caixeta

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